One of the names for Jesus is Prince of Peace.  He came to make peace between us and God.  But he also came to make peace between us and one another, and even peace between countries.

There are several countries around the world that are fighting right now and making children fight as soldiers.

Read these Bible verses with your family and think about how Jesus loves peace, is the Prince of peace, and invites us to be peace makers.

Isaiah 2.1-5
This is the message that I was given about Judah and Jerusalem: In the future, the mountain with the LORD's temple will be the highest of all.
It will reach above the hills; every nation will rush to it.
Many people will come and say, "Let's go to the mountain of the LORD God of Jacob and worship in his temple."
The LORD will teach us his Law from Jerusalem, and we will obey him.
He will settle arguments between nations.
They will pound their swords and their spears into rakes and shovels; 
they will never make war or attack one another.
People of Israel, let's live by the light of the LORD.

Ask your parents what these verses mean.  How do they make you feel?  What do they say about God?  How do you feel about the fact that some children have to be soldiers?  How do you think Jesus would like you to pray for them?  Talk for a while with your family about this.

Then say your own prayer for peace and for Jesus to protect the children around the world who are forced to fight.

Then color this color sheet as a way to pray for those children and for them to know Jesus, the Prince of Peace loves and cares for and watches over them this Christmas.
When Jesus first began teaching he told people what he came to do.

Read these Bible verses with your family.

Luke 4.16-20
Jesus went back to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as usual he went to the meeting place on the Sabbath. When he stood up to read from the Scriptures, he was given the book of Isaiah the prophet. He opened it and read,
"The Lord's Spirit has come to me, he has chosen me to tell the good news to the poor.
The Lord has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners, to give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers,
and to say, `This is the year the Lord has chosen.' "
Jesus closed the book, then handed it back to the man in charge and sat down. Everyone in the meeting place looked straight at Jesus. 

Ask you parents what these verses mean.  How do they make you feel?  What do they say about who Jesus is and what he came to do?  What do you think that means for how Jesus might want us to celebrate his birthday?  Do you think he would want us to buy things made by people who don't get paid?  Or do you think he would want us to celebrate in a way that takes care of the poor, sets prisoners free, and helps people who suffer?  Talk with your family about what these verses might mean for how we celebrate Christmas.

Then pray this prayer:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for bringing good news to the poor, to prisoners and to people who suffer.  Help us to celebrate your birthday by doing the same.  Please forgive me for the times that I want more than I need and forget to care for people who don't have the things they need.  This Christmas, help me to be a part of you bringing good news to poor and hurting people.

Then color this coloring sheet and think about the words Jesus spoke about himself and why he came.
God sent Jesus to us 2000 years ago to teach about what it means and what it looks like to obey God and also to set us free from the ways the wrong things we do trap us.  When Jesus went back up to the heavens, he sent us to do the same for the world.

Some of the wrong things we do can feel like a prison or a dark dungeon.  But Jesus wants to set us free from that.
Jesus also wants to set people free who are in real prison and dungeons.  Some of the things we like to buy at Christmas time are made by people who are forced to make them without getting paid.  Often they are kept in places that are like prisons.

Read these Bible verses with your family and talk about what they mean.  As your parents what they mean.  How do they make you feel?  What do they say about God?  What do they say about how God wants us to live and what things God wants us to do?  Ask you parents what these verses mean for how we celebrate Christmas?

isaiah 42.5-9
I am the LORD God. I created the heavens like an open tent above.  
I made the earth and everything that grows on it.
I am the source of life for all who live on this earth, so listen to what I say.
I chose you to bring justice, and I am here at your side.
I selected and sent you to bring light and my promise of hope to the nations.
You will give sight to the blind; you will set prisoners free from dark dungeons.
My name is the LORD! I won't let idols or humans share my glory and praise.
Everything has happened just as I said it would; now I will announce what will happen next.

Then pray this prayer:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for making the world and everything in it.  Thank you for being a light when things are dark.  And thank you for sending me to be a light when things are dark.  Help me to understand what justice is and to bring it as you've asked me to.  Help me to be a light in the dark and to celebrate  your birthday in a way that sets people free rather than keeping them in prisons.  And, Jesus, let everyone who sees every good thing I do this Christmas know that it is because of you.  Amen.

Now, color this color sheet.  Think about ways that you can be a light to other people.  Once you've colored it, think about giving it to someone you think could use some light or h

in the Bible, God tells us that he is a judge.  He judges what is right and what is wrong so that people who are being hurt by other people can be defended.

In today's Bible verses, God tells us a little about how he judges.  

Read these verses with your family.  Ask your parents what they mean.  How do they make you feel?  What do they say about God?  What kinds of things, in these Bible verses, does God judge as wrong?  Talk with your family about what that means for how we celebrate Christmas this year.

Psalm 82.1-4
When all of the other gods have come together, the Lord God judges them and says:
"How long will you keep judging unfairly and favoring evil people?

Be fair to the poor and to orphans.
Defend the helpless and everyone in need.
Rescue the weak and homeless from the powerful hands of heartless people."

Pray with your family:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for being a good judge who takes care of needy people and those who are easy to hurt.  Thank you for being fair and taking care of children with no parents.  We are so happy that you take care of weak people and people without homes.  We're sorry for the ways and the times when we forget to love those people you care for.  Please help us to love and care for them on your birthday this year.

Then, color this color sheet as a way of praising the God who judges in a way that protects people who are easy to hurt and praying for everyone to be free and well cared for this Christmas!